PROBLEM: ORA-65011 Pluggable database ... does not exist
If trying to start the DB service ...
OS> srvctl start service -s MY_DB_SERVICE -d MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME -pdb MY_PDB_SID
... you get the following error ORA-65011 ...
PRCD-1084 : Failed to start service MY_DB_SERVICE
PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora. MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME.MY_DB_SERVICE.svc
ORA-65011: Pluggable database MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME does not exist.
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora. MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME.MY_DB_SERVICE.svc start" encountered the following error:
ORA-65011: Pluggable database MY_PDB_SD does not exist.
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/u00/app/oracle/diag/crs/my_host/crs/trace/ohasd_oraagent_oracle.trc".
CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.CDB_UNIQUE_NAME.MY_DB_SERVICE.svc' on 'my_host' failed
(Since I has just created the DB using RMAN dupplicate and skipping some tablespaces, I though that my PDB (pluggable DB) had problems because of missing tablespaces.)
... but, as the error says, there is no PDB with the given name:
OS> oerr ORA 65011
65011, 00000, "Pluggable database %s does not exist."
// *Cause: User attempted to specify a pluggable database
// that does not exist.
// *Action: Check DBA_PDBS to see if it exists.
Check how the service has been configured ...
I remarked that the name of my PDB (MY_PDB_SID)
was misspelled (MY_PDB_SD <= missing "I")
OS> srvctl config service -s MY_DB_SERVICE -db MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME
Service name: MY_DB_SERVICE
Cardinality: SINGLETON
Service role: PRIMARY
. . .
Runtime Load Balancing Goal: NONE
TAF policy specification: NONE
Pluggable database name: MY_PDB_SD
Maximum lag time: ANY
SQL Translation Profile:
. . .
GSM Flags: 0
Service is enabled
... and re-create the DB service, using the correct PDB name
(So I re-created my MY_DB_SERVICE)
OS> srvctl remove service -s MY_DB_SERVICE -db MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME
OS> srvctl add service -service MY_DB_SERVICE -db MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME -pdb MY_PDB_SID -l primary/u00/app/oracle
Then it worked
OS> srvctl start service -s MY_DB_SERVICE -db MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME
OS> srvctl status service -s MY_DB_SERVICE -db MY_CDB_UNIQUE_NAME
Service MY_DB_SERVICE is running